A person taking a payment card during a transaction


Reduce costs and generate new income streams, while responding to the climate emergency... the circular economy is critical to Scotland's net zero ambitions.

How we can help

In Scotland, a number of policies and regulations exist which are designed to help businesses and organisations to capture the value of materials.

Policy and regulation

Support, funding & expert knowledge for Scottish businesses to help them adopt new circular business practices.

Support and funding

Explore a range of online tools to help you meet net zero, enhance your sustainability credentials, and grow your bottom line.


Start your journey to zero...

Businesses must recognise their contribution to the climate crisis and identify changes they can make to reduce their carbon footprint and hit Net Zero. Zero Waste Scotland offers advice and resources to support businesses make greener business decisions.

One thing your business can do today
Why change matters
Why change matters

Why change matters

Businesses must recognise their contribution to the climate crisis and identify changes they can make to reduce their carbon footprint and hit Net Zero. Zero Waste Scotland offers advice and resources to support businesses make greener business decisions.  

Knowledge hub
