Scottish hills and grass on a sunny day

Start your journey to zero

Businesses must recognise their contribution to the climate crisis and identify changes they can make to reduce their carbon footprint and hit Net Zero. Zero Waste Scotland offers advice and resources to support businesses make greener business decisions.  

Start Your Journey

Welcome to Zero Waste Scotland. We exist to lead Scotland to use products and resources more responsibly, focusing on where we can have the greatest impact on climate change together.  

Using evidence and insight, our goal is to encourage businesses to embrace the environmental, economic, and social benefits of a circular economy, and provide useful tools and resources that will help them to do so. 

man riding bicycle beside the modern office building

How we can help

In Scotland, a number of regulations exist which are designed to help businesses and organisations to capture the value of materials. 

Policy regulation

Support, funding & expert knowledge for Scottish businesses to help them adopt new circular business practices 

Support and funding

We have readily available resources and toolkits to help your business make the transition to net zero. 


One thing your business can do today

Switching to a more circular way of operating can offer new business opportunities. In a circular economy, products and materials keep circulating in a high-value state of use, through supply chains, for as long as possible. For this reason, “making things last” is a moral, environmental and economic imperative. 

Why change matters

Here in Scotland, around four-fifths of our carbon footprint comes from the things we produce, consume and dispose of. If we want to end our contribution to the climate crisis, we need to rethink our current economic model. 

A circular economy is part of the solution as the ultimate goal is to design out waste. It’s about responsible production where products, services and systems are designed to maximise their life and value as well as minimise the waste produced. 

Together we can make a difference. 

Find out more

80% of our carbon footprint comes from the things we produce, consume and dispose of.

Scottish Business Climate Collaboration

The Climate Action Hub is a free e-learning resource, developed by Scottish Business Climate Collaboration (SBCC) partners and delivered by Zero Waste Scotland, to help your business save money, better understand the climate crisis and win new business and potential funding through taking action to reduce emissions.

The Hub features resources, including 12 e-learning modules on topics ranging from entry-level climate science to carbon emissions related to business practices.

Users of the platform will also have free access to a dashboard to track carbon literacy across their organisation and the tools to calculate their own carbon baseline and develop a carbon reduction plan.

Knowledge hub
