Fresh beetroots sitting on a wooden bench

A guide to eating in season food: why, how and where to shop

22 Dec 22 3 minutes

Read our article to find out what seasonal food is, why it’s great for the planet and what food is in season now for you to enjoy this winter.  

From fruits and vegetables to meat and cheese, eating in season food doesn’t need to be restrictive or limiting. With such a vast natural larder on our doorstep, we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to eating seasonal food in Scotland. 

Eating seasonally is great because it gives you a varied and interesting diet, it supports the local economy and it’s great for the environment too.  

By choosing seasonal food grown close to home, it’s a good way to support small, local businesses near you and help you reduce the amount of packaging and waste in your home. 

Why should we eat seasonal food?

Eating seasonally is great because it gives you a varied and interesting diet, it supports the local economy and it’s great for the environment too.  

By choosing seasonal food grown close to home, it’s a good way to support small, local businesses near you and help you reduce the amount of packaging and waste in your home.    

What are the benefits to the planet of eating seasonally?

  1. Choosing locally grown and in season food means you are likely to consume less out of season, Mediterranean produce grown in heated greenhouses. These are often grown overseas, and this requires a lot of additional energy. Examples of foods grown in greenhouses abroad during winter include peppers, aubergines, salads, and cucumbers. 
  2. Reducing the amount of highly perishable and air freighted, out of season produce you consume will have a positive effect on the planet and use much less energy and natural resources.  
  3. Choosing seasonal produce means less consumption of pre-packaged foods, often wrapped in single-use materials that need to be recycled or go to landfill. 

What food is in season this winter?

Whether you head to your closest supermarket and check out the fresh produce section or find a local farmers' market, there will always be a selection of seasonal and locally sourced produce.  

If you’re unsure about what food is in season at a particular time of the year, ask your local butcher, greengrocer, farm shop or any other local shops for advice on eating in season. Afterall, you might be surprised at what you discover and how delicious it is. 

Some of the most popular in season food this winter are beetroot, butternut squash, radish, swede, turnip, kale and leek.