
From products and buildings to systems and processes, design plays a critical role in our everyday lives. Designers are rethinking their approaches to create products and services that are not only functional and great looking but also environmentally friendly and socially responsible. 

A person sitting in front of a large screen working on a product design

What can you do?

Design is all around us, from the products we use to the buildings we inhabit. It's a powerful force that shapes the world we live in and has the potential to create positive change. With Net Zero ambitions a pressing demand to tackle the climate emergency, design is being reimagined to create sustainable solutions that benefit both people and the planet.

  1. Adopt sustainable design principles: Businesses can adopt sustainable design principles, such as designing for recyclability, using renewable materials, and optimizing products and services for energy efficiency, to create more sustainable and environmentally friendly products and services.

  2. Collaborate with sustainable design professionals: Businesses can collaborate with sustainable design professionals to integrate sustainability principles into their products, services, and brand identity. These professionals can bring new perspectives and innovative solutions to the table, helping businesses create more sustainable and responsible designs.

  3. Engage in stakeholder consultations: Businesses can engage in stakeholder consultations to gain insights into the social, environmental, and economic impacts of their designs. This feedback can help businesses create more sustainable and responsible products and services that meet the needs of their customers and stakeholders while minimising their environmental footprint.