A group of people who are part of a community group

Zero Waste Scotland recognises that behaviour change on issues around waste can often be most effectively achieved through community engagement at a local level.

We have a range of materials, training and support available to help you take action on waste in your community. 

Our resources cover our key campaigns;

  • Love Food Hate Waste
  • Reuse (and Repair)
  • Recycle for Scotland
  • Litter and Flytipping prevention
  • Reusable menstrual products (#TrialPeriod)

Kick start your circular community

Our idea cards have been designed to help stimulate new ideas and thinking. 

The cards consist of twenty ‘what if’ questions, challenging the status quo to inspire new solutions to today’s problems. 

Each card also showcases a successful model for moving towards a circular economy, many delivered by communities for communities.

three people talking in room

Download Community Idea Cards


We can provide cascade workshops where we come out to your area and run ‘train the trainer’ events.  These are normally around 2 hours in length when face-to-face (but can be adapted), or an hour when online and we run through a workshop then leave you with access to the materials so that you can roll out the workshop (or parts of it) in your community.  We just need a venue (if face-to-face), a minimum of 12 people (staff and/or volunteers and can be from one or more community groups).  Workshops can cover;

  • Love Food Hate Waste
  • #MakeThingsLast (Reuse and Repair)
  • Ditching disposables
  • Re-usable menstrual products
  • Little Changes (a general session covering all our campaigns)

Weeks of action

We also run a number of weeks of action which are ideal opportunities for community groups to get involved, run events in their area, and benefit from our resources, support and national PR.  These normally include;


Our websites provide a wealth of information for you and your community.

  • Zero Waste Scotland - where you are now - the home of all Zero Waste Scotland content and resources
  • Love Food Hate Waste Scotland - this site is managed by WRAP, though Zero Waste Scotland support delivery of the campaign in Scotland
  • zerowastescotland.org.uk/zero-waste-partners - a dedicated area for community groups, businesses, local authorities, educational establishments and individuals trying to spread the word, to download resources such as posters, toolkits, leaflets etc.

Social media

And our social media channels host great content that you can share. 

PR Guide

Zero Waste Scotland have developed a PR guide for community groups, to help generate local media coverage. The guide can be downloaded below.

Contact us!

Feel free to get in touch with Zero Waste Scotland for support in using any of these materials, or to check if we have anything you need but can’t see here: Communities@zerowastescotland.org.uk